2516 Carter Ave Ashland, KY

The Giving Tree

givingtree-1Coordinating Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance

In our area, many families struggle just to keep their heat on through the winter. Christmas presents and a hot holiday meal are a luxury many of these families can’t afford.

In 2014, the CAReS Giving Tree program helped 484 families — including 563 children — celebrate Christmas in Boyd County.

The Giving Tree provides families with gifts, clothing and food vouchers. Also, needy adults received food vouchers.

This program is generously supported by the Needy Family Fund and the Jingle Bell Charity Ball.

CAReS is seeking financial and volunteer assistance with its Giving Tree program. If interested in helping, please contact CAReS staff at (606) 324-2949 or contact@boydcountycares.org. You can make a tax-deductible donation on our Donation Page.